自己搞掂了,花几分钟看了一下wiki,写着:** Only exception to this being for the SPracingF3 flight controller, for this FC you will need to check 'Manual baud rate' and change the selection to '230400' baud.
即:对于F3飞控,刷机时必须选择“Manual baud rate”(手工选择波特率),并设置为 230400。试了一下,一次刷写成功!
作者: 盒子炮 时间: 2016-10-5 08:16
f5122298 发表于 2016-10-5 03:34
自己搞掂了,花几分钟看了一下wiki,写着:** Only exception to this being for the SPracingF3 flight ...