下载:航空模型教材作者: 失业中 时间: 2009-1-20 20:38
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To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.作者: 失业中 时间: 2009-1-20 20:53
帮补一个地址http://book.httpcn.com/Html/125/48330012850.shtml#download,pdf没图作者: yangq 时间: 2009-4-9 15:48
好教材,可惜缺少插图。谢谢作者: 梦兰 时间: 2009-4-13 19:28
:em17:作者: liu720110 时间: 2009-12-1 18:26
:em15:作者: liu720110 时间: 2009-12-1 18:27
:em15: :em15:作者: liu720110 时间: 2009-12-1 18:27
:em15: :em15: :em26:作者: youlan 时间: 2009-12-1 18:44