标题: 450 sport 改MB无副翼---初探 MD933扛得住? [打印本页] 作者: xushg 时间: 2010-11-27 16:23 标题: 450 sport 改MB无副翼---初探 MD933扛得住? 好不容易在上海淘到一颗MB,老板很热情,东西也很棒。无副翼旋翼头是RXJ的,很棒!!回家后急切的装机。机机的配置原来是MD933*3,9257 , 780。根据说明书设置MB还是很顺利的,唯一的一个疑问是MD933舵机的频率是多少,50?65?120?200? henge的网站上也没有介绍。苦闷之时,意外找到一个论坛的讨论:
In case some need tech info on the MD922 to run on their MicroBeast or SK720 or even Spartan Gyro, here it is from my email communication with Henge's Tech. MD922 can have a maximum of 274Hz (less is OK) or minimum 3.65mSec (more is OK) Pulse/Frame rate/length. MD933 can have a maximum of 250Hz (less is OK) or minimum 4mSec (more is OK) Pulse/frame rate/length. Both have input range of 850us~2150us. So, for you MicroBeastX user, you can select 200Hz and all those Spartan user can select 250Hz. If it get hot running at 250Hz as a tail servo (on Spartan), drop it down to 200hz. Well... hope that helps.