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标题: 大家谈谈Ihpone5什么时候上市吧,这个话题马上就会很热了 [打印本页]

作者: 乐陶陶    时间: 2011-9-16 10:59
标题: 大家谈谈Ihpone5什么时候上市吧,这个话题马上就会很热了

                                        iPhone5的上市消息!!将在10月全球上市,喜欢iPhone5 的朋友准备好了啊!


[ 本帖最后由 乐陶陶 于 2011-9-16 11:39 编辑 ]
作者: chantaiman51    时间: 2011-9-16 11:20
作者: 乐陶陶    时间: 2011-9-16 12:24
标题: 运营商Orange:苹果iPhone 5 10月15日开卖
接下来这条消息可能会让苹果公司不高兴,因为国外运营商Orange刚刚透露了iPhone 5的上市时间。据负责人介绍,iPhone 5很可能会在10月15日登 陆Orange。
苹果iPhone 5 iPhone 5将于10月15开卖?

    要知道,像Orange这样大型的运营商很少会从非苹果渠道获取情报,因此“10月15号上市”这样的说法应该是很可信的。不过说实话,在iPhone 5情报满天飞的情况之下,任何新情报似乎都难以让人信服。

    因此,如果苹果的iPhone 5真的在下月中旬上市的话,其发布会肯定会被安排在9月底。这也和先前的“iOS 5最终版本将于9月23日现身”的说法。凭iOS和封闭硬件自立门户的苹果公司,能不能再一次席卷市场呢?
作者: ccjjo    时间: 2011-9-16 13:45
作者: 老宋    时间: 2011-9-16 19:48
作者: 岸声    时间: 2011-9-16 22:27
作者: zxf105    时间: 2011-9-16 23:44
作者: 晓沈    时间: 2011-9-17 05:55
作者: xyz1123    时间: 2011-9-17 15:38
作者: 乐陶陶    时间: 2011-9-17 20:57
传iPhone 5面市时间因生产线问题而推迟
http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年09月16日 20:37  新浪科技微博

  新浪科技讯 北京时间9月16日晚间消息,美国科技博客9to5Mac记者希斯·维恩特洛布(Seth Weintraub)援引消息人士的说法称,iPhone 5的至少一条生产线出现问题,因此这款手机的面市时间可能将推迟。

  苹果iPhone 5的代工商包括富士康和和硕等。维恩特洛布预计,受代工商生产线问题的影响,iPhone 5的面市时间至少将出现一定的推迟,而2012年iPhone 5也可能出现缺货现象。

  消息人士表示,iPhone 5非常轻,但相对市面上其他智能手机令人感觉更加坚固。此外,iPhone 5的摄像头性能将会有大幅提升,达到傻瓜相机的水平,这将是苹果在推广iPhone 5时的一个重要卖点。

  维恩特洛布还表示,一款外观类似iPhone 4的手机正在被大批量生产。该手机的定价将会非常“震撼”,而苹果将在多个市场推出这款手机。消息显示,苹果将以预付费的方式销售这款手机。

作者: 乐陶陶    时间: 2011-9-18 20:26
Apple Ready to Deliver 30 Million iPhone 5 Handsets with an Upgraded Antenna + Minor Changes

Posted on 2011-9-14

Comments 58

According to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple is set to build and ship more than 30 million of its next-generation iPhone 5 handsets by the end of the year. Kuo believes that Apple is capable of reaching this target due to the anticipation and hype that’s building around the iPhone 5, which has yet to be announced or confirmed by Apple, but is largely expected to be shipping in October.

Kuo believes that the iPhone 5 will ship with the same amount of RAM memory as the iPhone 4 – 512 MB – and that the design, which features a glass front and back, will remain largely the same. It’s also rumored that the iPhone 5 will ship with a completely redesigned antenna system, which caused a huge PR nightmare for Apple during the launch of the iPhone 4. It was discovered by users and media outlets that the cellular reception of the iPhone 4 could be drastically reduced by covering the bottom left and right corners of the iPhone 4 with a hand. Apple ended up giving users a free ‘bumper’ case to offset the antenna issues, but with a new phone comes the opportunity to fix the issue.

The iPhone 5, which has been dubbed the ‘N94’ handset, will apparently also make use of Corning’s Gorilla Glass for its front and back panels. Kuo is confident that the iPhone 5 will come in both white and black, and that both colors will ship at launch. According to his sources, Kuo indicates that about sixty percent of the iPhone 5 handsets built so far have been black, with the remaining designed in white. It’s widely known that China-based manufacturer Foxconn is handling almost all of the iPhone 5 assembly duties, with Pegatron picking up the remaining fifteen percent to help boost Apple’s launch and delivery capacity.

If Kuo is correct and Apple somehow does manage to deliver 30 million iPhone 5 handsets to users around the world before the end of the 2011 calendar year, they will be smashing their own iPhone sales records. To date, the best quarter that Apple has had was the second quarter of 2011, which saw Apple shipping just over 20 million handsets through the end of June.

The report also alluded to an improved rear camera coming with the iPhone 5. Rumors have speculated that the camera will be an 8 megapixel module built by Sony, and may or may not feature an LED flash on the opposite side of the handset from the lens which is meant to reduce red-eye artifacts in photos. Kuo believes that the size of the rear camera lens and circuitry is one of the major reasons that the iPhone 5 will have a similar design to its predecessor, but with the rumor mill working furiously to try to determine what the iPhone 5 is all about, this could change.

One thing is certain: the launch of the iPhone 5 is getting closer by the day. Stay tuned for further information and expect an official announcement from Apple any day now.
作者: 乐陶陶    时间: 2011-10-4 20:59
明天凌晨1点,Iphone5就要发布了,敬请留意 。:em03:
作者: 佰事达RC    时间: 2011-10-4 21:05
作者: 金鱼小    时间: 2011-10-5 13:55
:em21: :em21: :em21:
作者: 米人杰克    时间: 2011-10-6 02:13
iphone 4S....
作者: taifengdada    时间: 2011-10-7 00:59
可惜 乔布斯 见不到5 上市销售了。。。苹果时代何去何从了

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