very nice project. I wish all helis had a similar design that way you don't need to get the canopy out. I suspect this one is even better balanced than the original kit with the battery pack next to the GC the Forza 550 by the way was also a nice kit with the battery removable from the back. |
艺高人胆大 |
Fly-Dream 发表于 2016-8-6 17:20 这个重量不含电池吗 |
Fly-Dream 发表于 2017-3-1 19:07 收到,谢谢兄弟! |
luxun19920914 发表于 2017-2-25 00:11 已发,原始版本,后来改动过的找不到了 |
楼主求份cad图纸,要螺丝孔的相对位置,我也该过这个,不过改了去做扇翼飞行器,现在也想改成f700那种结构,麻烦发下我的邮箱,谢谢啦 |
求量产 |
牛 |
主轴承座板子强度不够.需要加强筋.... |
远来一观 发表于 2016-9-17 08:59 改380可以看看 这个帖子 |
远来一观 发表于 2016-9-17 08:59 谢谢建议,关于强度问题不炸没关系,特意用了厚的碳板支架,改正下方电池仓的话结构要仿造700x的分体式侧板,改380没问题,不过加长尾管这些是要好好考虑,估计改到最后都不是jr450了 |