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QuadPlane 简介
·        QuadPlane是固定翼和多旋翼的组合体,这种飞行器可以垂直起降,具有更好的飞行速度和范围,并且可以根据不同任务在空中悬停。
·        QuadPlane是在固定翼飞行器的基础上,添加4到8个旋翼马达。飞行员可以通过新增的飞行模式和命令让QuadPlane像多旋翼一样起飞、降落和飞行,并且自动或半自动的在固定翼和多旋翼间平滑切换。额外的马达也可以在传统固定翼模式下提供升力,并辅助保持姿态稳定。
·        从固定翼3.5之后加入了对QuadPlane的支撑。
·        安装QuadPlane固件后,可以在参数列表中找到Q_ENABLE参数,默认为0,关闭复合翼模式,设置到1后会启用复合翼功能。所有的复合翼特殊参数都以"Q_"开头。
·        固定翼模式可以承担飞机以及所有旋翼机构的重量。
·        要准备足够的动力,旋翼模式不仅要可以负担所有重量,还要考虑固定翼翼面带来的升力损失。
·        旋翼平面的上下要有足够的空间,以保证空气动力学上的拉力效率。
·        最小化翼面的扭曲和弹性变形,以保证旋翼的动力全部作为升力
·        尽量减小旋翼动力系统和桨平面带来的飞行阻力。
QuadPlane Range
Perhapssurprisingly, it is sometimes possible to increase the potential range of anaircraft using a QuadPlane conversion. This may seem counter intuitive as aQuadPlane conversion will both add weight and increase aerodynamic drag to anairframe.
Thereason why range can be increased is the extra carrying capacity of aQuadPlane. Many fixed wing aircraft are limited in the amount of battery theycan carry due to the requirements for reliable launch. During launch, andespecially when using a flying launch such as a catapult or bungee, theaircraft needs to rapidly accelerate to an airspeed above its stall speed. Ifit fails to reach that speed suffiently quickly then it will crash. A QuadPlaneavoids this problem by taking off vertically, and can spend longer on theacceleration needed to sufficient speed for forward flight.
Thismeans it is often possible to pack a lot more battery into a QuadPlane than ispossible in the same airframe without VTOL motors. The extra battery capacitycan more than make up for the increased weight and drag of the VTOL motors.
To makethe most of this advantage you need to do very rapid VTOL takeoffs and landingsto minimise the battery consumption in VTOL flight. The video belowdemonstrates just how rapid a takeoff can be achieved with a properly setupquadplane.
Here are some build logs of a fewQuadPlanes that may help you with ideas for your own build.
·        QuadRanger build: http://px4.io/docs/quadranger-vtol/
if you would like to add your own buildto this list then please contact the ArduPilot dev team.
QuadPlane 固件支持大多数多旋翼方式,如四旋翼、八旋翼、6旋翼等。
·        Channel 5: Front right motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 6: Rear left motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 7: Front left motor, clockwise
·        Channel 8: Rear right motor, clockwise
·        Channel 5: Front right top motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 6: Front left top motor, clockwise
·        Channel 7: Rear left top motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 8: Rear right top motor, clockwise
·        Channel 9: Front left bottom motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 10: Front right bottom motor, clockwise
·        Channel 11: Rear right bottom motor, counter-clockwise
·        Channel 12: Rear left bottom motor, clockwise
同时修改 Q_FRAME_CLASS andQ_FRAME_TYPE.可以改变旋翼的动力分布模式,其中
·        1 for quad
·        2 for hexa
·        3 for octa
·        4 for octaquad
·        5 for Y6
·        7 for Tri
·        10 for Tailsitter
·        0 for plus frame
·        1 for X frame
·        2 for V frame
·        3 for H frame
·        11 for FireFly6Y6 (for Y6 only)
·        33: motor1
·        34: motor2
·        35: motor3
·        36: motor4
·        37: motor5
·        38: motor6
·        39: motor7
·        40: motor8
·        SERVO9_FUNCTION = 33
·        SERVO10_FUNCTION = 34
·        SERVO11_FUNCTION = 35
·        SERVO12_FUNCTION = 36
电调校准 (3.6.0 以后)
通过设置 Q_ESC_CAL参数允许在QSTABILIZE模式下进行电调校准。该参数有两个值:
1.     Q_ESC_CAL=1 飞行器解锁后,各电机的输出直接连接到遥控器摇杆的输入。
2.    Q_ESC_CAL=2  飞行器解锁后,各电机输出最大值。
1.    拆除所有螺旋桨
2.    为飞控上电(不要给马达上电),如果飞行器无法单独给飞控或马达通电的话,可以通过usb线先行为飞控供电。
3.    设置Q_ESC_CAL 为 1
4.    切换到QSTABILIZE 模式
5.    打开安全开关
6.    解锁飞行器,马达输出的PWM值直接来自遥控器。
7.    将油门摇杆调整到最高。
8.    为电调和电机供电。
9.    听到电调鸣叫两声(各厂家有微小差异),表明电调接收到最高PWM
10.  遥控器油门摇杆推到最低。
11.  应该可以听到电调的提示音,表示校准完成。
1.    拆除所有螺旋桨
2.    为飞控上电(不要给马达上电),如果飞行器无法单独给飞控或马达通电的话,可以通过usb线先行为飞控供电。
3.    设置 Q_ESC_CAL为2
4.    切换到QSTABILIZE 模式。
5.    打开安全开关。
6.    解锁飞行器,马达输出的PWM为最大值。
7.    为电调和电机供电。
8.    听到电调鸣叫两声(各厂家有微小差异),表明电调接收到最高PWM
9.    锁定飞行器。
10.  听到电调鸣叫两声(各厂家有微小差异),表明电调接收到最高PWM
老固件电调校准 (3.5.3 以前)
1.    remove your propellers for safety
2.    power up just the flight board and notyour motors. If you don’t have the ability to isolate power to the ESCs when onbattery power then power up your flight board on USB power
3.    set both theparameters Q_M_SPIN_ARMED and Q_THR_MID to 1000. This setsthe PWM output when armed at zero throttle to full power
4.    set the safety switch off to activatethe outputs
5.    arm your aircraft. The PWM output on allquad motors will now climb to maximum.
6.    add power to your ESCs by connecting thebattery
7.    wait for the ESCs to beep to indicatethey have registered the maximum PWM
8.    disarm your aircraft. The ESCs shouldbeep again indicating they have registered minimum PWM
Now set the Q_M_SPIN_ARMED and Q_THR_MIDparameters back to the correct values. A value of 50 for Q_M_SPIN_ARMED is areasonable starting point. For Q_THR_MID a value of between 500 and 600 is gooddepending on the power of your motors
·        通过设置Q_ENABLE为1可以启用复合翼模式,设置后需要重新刷新参数列表。
·        Q_THR_MIN_PWM 和Q_THR_MAX_PWM 可以设置旋翼马达们的最大和最小输出值, (允许旋翼马达和固定翼马达具备不同的PWM输出范围).
·        Q_A_RAT_RLL_P 和 Q_A_RAT_PIT_P是一组比较重要的调整参数。他们默认是0.25,不过对于复合翼,可能需要被设置为更高的值。
·        Q_M_SPIN_ARMED 可以设置解锁时马达的初始转速。
·        建议设置ARMING_RUDDER 为2以启用方向舵. 否则就要小心,不要同时打满左方向的同时给出0油门,防止飞行器在天上被锁定。
·        Q_THR_MID用于设置固定翼和旋翼的转换平滑程度,默认为500,表示用50%的旋翼油门实现悬停。如果你的飞行器需要更高或更低的输出才能保证悬停,请修改这个参数,防止在切换过程中出现剧烈抖动。
QuadPlane 需要GPS信号以进行一些特定操作。不要尝试在室内使用QuadPlane飞行。
uadPlane 具有下述5各飞行模式
·        mode 17: QSTABILIZE (类似 Copter STABILIZE)
·        mode 18: QHOVER (类似Copter ALT_HOLD)
·        mode 19: QLOITER (类似Copter LOITER)
·        mode 20: QLAND (类似Copter LAND)
·        mode 21: QRTL (类似Copter RTL)
·        STABILIZE
·        TRAINING
过程转换       QuadPlane过程转换是指在旋翼为主和固定翼为主的模式中进行切换。转换是双向的,即可以由飞手发出命令控制,也可以根据飞行速度和飞行模式自动执行。
·        切换到MANUAL模式时,旋翼马达会立即停止。
·        切换到任何固定翼模式时,旋翼马达会持续提供升力和姿态稳定,直到空速(或估算速度)达到 ARSPD_FBW_MIN设置的值。
·        当空速达到 ARSPD_FBW_MIN值后,旋翼马达缓慢减速,在Q_TRANSITION_MS(默认是5000毫秒)后降低到0,关闭。
·        当从固定翼模式切换到QuadPlane特有模式后,固定翼马达会马上停止,固定翼的几个舵机会仍然工作,以帮助保持平衡。

仅有一种情况下,转换到QuadPlane模式后,固定翼马达不会立即停止工作,那就是设置了Q_VFWD_GAIN 参数为非零值,此时固定翼马达会仍然启动,用于抗风。
The QuadPlane code can also beconfigured to provide assistance to the fixed wing code in any flight modeexcept MANUAL. To enable quad assistance you shouldset Q_ASSIST_SPEED parameter to the airspeed belowwhich you want assistance.
·        自动模式下,旋翼马达根据下一个航点的位置和方向,尝试提供升力和旋转力矩。
·        在固定翼的LOITER,RTL或GUIDED模式下,不论飞行器的上升或旋转速度是多少,旋翼马达都会辅助飞行。
·        在固定翼的CRUISE或者FBWB模式下,旋翼马达会根据升降舵和方向舵的输入,尝试提供升力和旋转。
·        在FBWA模式下,旋翼马达根据升降舵的输入进行响应。当拉杆时,旋翼马达尝试爬升,推杆时,旋翼马达会调整以维持一个固定的下降速度。
·        在自动调参模式,旋翼马达的动作与FBWA想同。建议自动调参时,不要把Q_ASSIST_SPEED设置过高,因为旋翼马达会影响固定翼的调参。
·        在 MANUAL, ACROTRAINING 模式下,旋翼马达完全不参与工作,此时表现为传统的固定翼飞行。
·        在 STABILIZE 模式下,旋翼马达会根据最小空速和危险姿态的设置自动开启。
·        像固定翼一样在返航点盘旋
·        以旋翼模式飞回起飞位置并降落。
·        以固定翼模式飞到接近家的位置,切换到旋翼模式并降落。
固定翼 RTL
使用QRTL模式时通过旋翼模式返航。速度由Q_WP_SPEED设定。高度由Q_RTL_ALT.设定。到达位置后会自动降落,降落速度由Q_WP_SPEED_DN指定。一旦达到Q_LAND_FINAL_ALT设置的高度,降落速度切换到Q_LAND_SPEED 的值,进行最终降落。通过旋翼马达输出值维持最低超过5秒判断是否降落,之后自动锁定。

Hybrid RTL
这种模式,飞行器按照固定翼方式飞行到接近位置,切换到旋翼进行着陆。设定 Q_RTL_MODE到1可以启动这种返航模式。ALT_HOLD_RTL指定了固定翼返航高度。对于大多数复合翼,ALT_HOLD_RTL设置为15米比较合适。RTL_RADIUS设置固定翼模式靠近目标点的范围,如果RTL_RADIUS没有设置,按照WP_LOITER_RAD进行靠近判断。切换到旋翼模式后在Q_RTL_ALT高度飞行,之后飞行器缓慢降落。
Understanding hybridaircraft can be difficult at first, so below are some scenarios and how theArduPilot code will handle them.
一旦空速达到 ARSPD_FBW_MIN*(或者Q_ASSIST_SPEED,如果Q_ASSIST_SPEED设置了值并大于ARSPD_FBW_MIN),旋翼马达的输出会在5秒内降为0.之后飞行器按照固定翼方式飞行。
·        通过QLOITER 或者 QHOVER起飞
·        切换到 FBWA 模式,加大油门,开始固定翼飞行。
·        切换到QHOVER 模式返回旋翼状态。
风速适应Weathervaning and Wind Hold
Flying a QuadPlane in significant levelsof wind can present a challenge. The issue is that the large wing surfaceoffers a lot of surface area for the wind to interact with. That can lead to areduction in attitude and position control and high motor and ESC load.
To reduce the impact of wind when flyingin VTOL modes the ArduPilot QuadPlane code supports two features:
·        Active weathervaning
·        Position hold using forward motor
Together these two features can greatlyreduce the impact of wind on VTOL flight by keeping the aircraft pointed intothe wind and reducing the area of the wing exposed to the wind.
Active Weathervaning
Active weathervaningacts to turn the nose of the aircraft into the wind when flying inposition-controlled VTOL modes. You can enable active weathervaning by settingthe Q_WVANE_GAINparameterto a non-zero value. The default is not to use active weathervaning.
The way it works is theautopilot looks at the roll attitude needed to control the desired position.The basic algorithm is “turn into the roll”. If the aircraft needs to roll tothe right in order to hold position then it will turn in that direction on theassumption that the right roll is needed in order to hold against the wind.
How quickly the aircraftturns is given by the Q_WVANE_GAIN parameter. A good value to start with is0.1. Higher values will make the aircraft turn into the roll more quickly. Ifthe value is too high then you can get instability and oscillation in yaw.
To cope with a smallamount of trim in the aircraft there is an additional parameterQ_WVANE_MINROLL whichcontrols the minimum roll level before weathervaning will be used. Thisdefaults to one degree. If you find your aircraft starts yawing even in no windthen you may need to raise this value.
Active weathervaning isonly active in VTOL modes, and VTOL sections of AUTO modes (such as VTOLtakeoff and VTOL landing). It is not active in QSTABILIZE and QHOVER modes asthose are not position controlled modes. It is active is QLOITER, QLAND andQRTL modes.
Using the Forward Motor
In addition to activeweathervaning, the QuadPlane code supports using the forward motor to hold thepitch level in VTOL flight modes. To enable use of the forward motor forposition hold you need to set the Q_VFWD_GAIN parameterto a non-zero value.
The way it works is tolook at two factors:
·        the navigation attitude pitchof the aircraft
·        the difference between thedesired forward velocity and the actual forward velocity
These are combined withthe Q_VFWD_GAIN to ramp up and down the throttle on the forward motor in orderto minimize the attitude pitch of the aircraft. That keeps the area of wingexposed to the wind minimized which can reduce VTOL motor load.
A good value to startwith for Q_VFWD_GAIN is 0.05. Higher values will use the forward motor moreaggressively. If the value is too high you can get severe pitch oscillations.
Note that you can alsouse reverse thrust on the forward motor. If your THR_MIN parameteris less than zero then reverse thrust is available and the motor will usereverse thrust to slow down or move backwards as needed. See the reverse thrust sectionin the automatic landing documentationfor more details.
As with activeweathervaning, using the forward motor is only enabled in position controlledVTOL modes. This means it is not enabled in QSTABILIZE or QHOVER flight modes.It is available in QLOITER, QRTL, QLAND and in AUTO mode when executing VTOLflight commands.
QuadPlane 任务模式
You can ask the QuadPlane code to fly AUTO missions, with everything from automatic vertical takeoff, tomixtures of fixed wing and VTOL waypoints and automated VTOL landings. Theresult is an extremely versatile aircraft capable of long range missions withvertical takeoff and landing.
The most common use of VTOL missioncommands in a QuadPlane is an automatic VTOL takeoff. To use a VTOL takeoff youplan your auto mission as usual with your ground stations mission editor, butinstead of a NAV_TAKEOFF command for a fixed wing takeoff you instead use aNAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF command for a VTOL takeoff.
The only parameter to a NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF isthe altitude above the takeoff point where the takeoff is complete. Once thataltitude is reached the aircraft will move to the next waypoint, transitioningto fixed wing flight as needed. The latitude and longitude of theNAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF command is ignored.
There are several ways to perform anautomatic VTOL landing. The simplest is to include a NAV_VTOL_LAND command inyour mission. That command should use an altitude of zero, and have a latitudeand longitude of the landing position.
When using NAV_VTOL_LAND it is important tohave the right horizontal spacing between that waypoint and the previous one.As soon as the aircraft starts on the NAV_VTOL_LAND waypoint it will transitionto VTOL flight, which means it will start flying much more slowly than it doesin fixed wing flight. So you need to put the previous waypoint the rightdistance from the landing point. If it is too far from the landing point thenthe aircraft will spend a lot of time in VTOL flight which will waste battery.If it is too close to the landing point then it will have to stop very abruptlyin order to land.
For most small QuadPlanes a distance ofbetween 60 and 80 meters from the last waypoint to the landing point is good.For larger faster flying QuadPlanes you will need a larger distance.
Also make sure the altitude of the lastwaypoint is chosen to be within a reasonable height of the landing. The VTOLlanding approach will be done at whatever height the aircraft is at when itstarts on the NAV_VTOL_LAND waypoint. So you would typically want the previouswaypoint to have an altitude of about 20 meters above the ground.
Returnto Launch
An alternaive to using a NAV_VTOL_LANDcommand is to use a RETURN_TO_LAUNCH command, and to set the Q_RTL_MODE parameter to 1.
The advantage of using a RETURN_TO_LAUNCHwith Q_RTL_MODE set is that the aircraft will automatically use fixed wingflight until it gets within RTL_RADIUS of the return point. That makes it easier to plan missions witha VTOL landing from anywhere in the flying area.
MixingVTOL and Fixed Wing Flight
To mix fixed wing and VTOL flight in onemission you can use the DO_VTOL_TRANSITION command in your mission. ADO_VTOL_TRANSITION command takes a single parameter. If the parameter is set to3 then the aircraft will change to VTOL mode. If the parameter is set to 4 thenit will change to fixed wing mode.
In the above example the aircraft will do aVTOL takeoff, then it will fly to waypoint 1 as a fixed wing aircraft. It willthen switch to VTOL mode and fly as a VTOL aircraft through waypoints 4 and 5,then it will switch back to fixed wing flight to reach waypoint 7, beforefinally flying home and landing as a VTOL aircraft (assuming Q_RTL_MODE is setto 1).
Hoveringin a Mission
By setting the Q_GUIDED_MODE parameter to 1 your quadplane will handle loiter commands inGUIDED mode and in AUTO missions as a VTOL aircraft. For example, thefollowing mission:
the aircraft will pause while hovering for10 seconds at waypoint 3. It will fly the rest of the mission as a fixed wingaircraft. This can be very useful for getting good photographs of a number oflocations in a mission while flying most of the mission as an efficient fixedwing aircraft.
In addition to AUTOmode, you can also use a QuadPlane in GUIDED mode.To use VTOL support in GUIDED mode you need to set the Q_GUIDED_MODE parameterto 1. When set, GUIDED mode behaviour will change so that the position hold atthe destination will be done as a VTOL hover rather than a fixed wing circle.
The approach to theguided waypoint will be done as a fixed wing aircraft. The transition to VTOLflight will begin at the WP_LOITER_RAD radiusin meters. This should be set appropriately for your aircraft. A value of 80meters is good for a wide range of QuadPlanes.
When hovering at thedestination in GUIDED mode if a new GUIDED destination is given then theaircraft will transition back to fixed wing flight, fly to the new location andthen hover again in VTOL mode.


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好贴 收藏~ 楼主 现在有做这一块嘛?

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