事先我要说明啊,我不是说军工单位就应该来黑纳税人的钱,搞垃圾出来卖高价,这样的单位肯定不少。 如果你拿着确凿证据说这个无人机就是航模+国外开源代码寨出来的垃圾,我保证支持你。我只是看不惯一帮人啥具体信息都不知道,看到一个飞机外形就在那喊“航模!”,“垃圾!”, 本来单兵无人机机体就是航模,看个外形就喊垃圾你让那些勤勤恳恳脚踏实地做科研的人心里面怎么想? 骗钱的不少,干实事的也不少。 其实叫嚣最厉害的基本上也是光说不练的多,没看论坛里面的高手跳出来乱叫。翻译一段RCGROUP上的,看看大家崇敬的美国的单兵无人机厂家是啥德行宣传的。
起因是美国航模论坛上的人想山寨沙漠鹰无人机,其实这个飞机就是一个正常布局的V尾泡沫机,载荷的性能大家都无从知道,但是UAV平台都是中规中矩的性能,91公里时速,起飞重量3公斤,载荷重量400克左右,电动。基本上就是一个航模的水平。整机的价格是300,000刀。 论坛里面的美国兄弟直接找到了厂家,写邮件讨要三视图。厂家的回复是“it would never fly as an rc plane that its flight controls were all computer driven, and that it would be very unstable as an rc plane, most likely unflyable..” 大意就是这是高科技啊,飞控非常先进的,(言下之意是忽悠这个是静不安定的),你们玩遥控根本就不可能飞起来的。 玩航模的那帮人偷笑,就凭现在的无刷电机和锂聚合物电池,你给我个门板我也能飞啊,再说飞控算啥,现在接收机都自带部分飞控,陀螺仪都是大路货了。不过还是强忍着回信说我想试试,你给我个三视图就可以了。结果厂家再也不说话了。
“The manual describes the plane as a state-of-the-art composite material, but it’s actually got a lot more in common with a Styrofoam cup than anything else,” said Staff Sgt. Michael Roth, 332nd ESFS Desert Hawk program manager. “It’s pretty tough, but we can glue it back together if it breaks.”
Its main body is made of high-density foam and costs about $300. If its frame gets damaged, Sergeant Gonzalez or her team does the repair.
"They do their own work on the bird if it breaks," Sergeant Liberti said. "They put the pieces back together and use glue or tape -- whatever it takes to keep it flying. They do all the maintenance."
这个飞机是 State-of-the-art的复合材料做的,啥材料呢?高密度泡沫塑料,而且非常先进,因为坏了之后可以用胶水粘上的。就这个高密度泡沫塑料的机体就值300刀(Org)。 论坛里面的兄弟们听到这一段基本上都跳起来了。 高密度塑料就是大家平时用的材料,从温州厂里面出来估计也就值3美元,被忽悠成state-of-the-art的高科技复合材料后就300刀了。
$300!? Wow! Must be the same company that does the toilet seats and hammers we hear about, eh?
I may just build me one of these. See if I can come in under budget!
I found a few pics not up yet... Note the wind tunnel. I think that is from GPW's house! Look at how beat up the one is that's being launched by the black airman! Seen many foamies just like it!
Hey, that $300 figure is only one order of magnitude out of whack. So US porkbarrel suppliers are only 10 times as inefficient as the LHS supply chain.
[ 本帖最后由 尾冲 于 2010-2-23 00:28 编辑 ] |