本帖最后由 dayan88 于 2016-12-7 10:51 编辑
坛上很多人问Microbeast 陀螺仪 B\C\D 点的 舵机设定参数,wiki上有,贴下来供参考。
The BEASTX servo list Here you find a list of servospecifications so you can see what you have to adjust at MICROBEAST Setup menupoints B,C and D. Please note that not all of these specifications have beentested and validated by BEASTX. Some have been directly taken from themanufacturer recommendations in accordance with the maximum specifiedfrequency.
Warning.png Note that the servos mayoverheat and get damaged if the frequency is set to high! Depending on heightof supply voltage, servo load, vibration level and other factors it can happenthat practically the frequency must not be set as high as "written on thepaper". When a frequency is not "supported" byMICROBEAST/MICROBEAST PLUS simply use the lower frequency that is closest.