Simulation Architecture and Simulator Design.
MARINTEK uses the industrial simulation standard High Level Architecture (HLA), IEEE Standard 1516 to integrate hydrodynamic, cybernetics and structural software with COTS components for visualisation and human machine interface. This platform is now widely used in industries and navies (NATO standard) and MARINTEK participate together with The Royal Norwegian Navy in several Specialist Teams in NATO within ship manoeuvrability and simulation technologies.
Scenario Based Simulations.
Simulations can be performed in real-time (human-in-the-loop) or as fast as possible. Examples are multiple simulations of failures and different environmental conditions (wind, current and waves). Examples from earlier projects are ship handling in congested waters and docking of ships
Simulation Environment.
MARINTEK offers a Simulation Environment. The synthetic environment consists of numerical ship models, control algorithms and motion sensors models connected together using the HLA standard. Visualisation and evaluation of ships motion from model tests, full scale measurements and simulations are possible in the same environment. Third part vendors, like control system vendors can use the Simulation Environment to develop, validate and verify their control system design at an early stage. The simulation environment can also be used for developing material for presentations. Examples are motion of ships, air vehicles, underwater vehicles and visualisation of complex operations.
FME(C)A and Performance Analysis.
In order to evaluate system performance and effects of system failures, a set of predefined scenarios or simulations can be performed as fast as possible. The results and reports are more or less generated automatically. |