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Arced D591舵机真TMD垃圾

发表于 2008-3-7 10:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
3月4日在淘宝上面买了一套D591舵机来配合我的GY401锁尾,TMD以前用辉胜都用得好好的,这次上这个JB 591上机没到一分钟,JJ就开始自旋,还好没离地,不然损失就大了!停下来看,操!!舵机已经不动作了,但是舵机还是在自锁状态(也就是接电那种用手拧不动的状态,说明电机还是好的),更别说舵机扫齿了,分明就是电路坏了,我想质量不会这么差吧,是不是陀螺仪有问题,然后换上辉胜的9G还有9253测试了半天,都没有问题,正常得很。MD,不该听信GUNNER谣言,买这个舵机,连卖家都说国产的可能辉胜算好的了,这个质量可能是不稳定。什么QC啊!!!而且听卖家说这种包换厂家还不负责邮费,气愤!明明是自己QC有问题(我不想说你产品设计缺陷),这种应该承担所有费用。算了,这次就当老子做了一回小白鼠好了。




发表于 2008-3-7 11:17 | 只看该作者
貌似D591 GUNNER满世界啊:em15:

Great Value
J Foo
Pleased with servos, no chatter, horns fit the mini titan without any modification. it even works with Futaba gyro's DS mode. Can't ask for more from a 10 dollar servo.

Looking for excuses to buy more. Need more planes and helis
Arced Digital Micro Servo 1.3k
Reimer Pehrs
Echt nicht schlecht dieses Servo.Richtig schnell,trotzdem Kraft ,vor allem die haltekraft �berfordert das Getriebe fast.Absolut kein Spiel am Ruderhorn,spitzenm�ssig!!Habe wirklich nur aus Neugier gekauft und bin fast schon begeistert,Servo l�uft sehr gut am Kreiselkompass. Ein Ersatzgetriebe ist auch noch dabei,das alles f�r 10$....
Richard Parkes
Smooth, powerfull, great price what more could one ask for. Fitted to my EPP 3D biplane ailerons and working well.
Arced Digital Micro Servo 1.3k
Panayotis Pantazopoulos
Awesome digital servo. I get 4 to test, looks nice. I would use then at mi mini titan as cyclic and maybe as a rudder control servo. Very good torque, quick enough, light weight and very very cheap.
In my country the analog servos are more expensive than this one. I will give you a new review after the test.
ronald burrows
i got 3 servos for the titan
great servos
but found that when used on ccpm they over run once past the 100% mark
advise do not use in ccpm helis
Arced Digital Micro Servo 1.3k
Raymond McMaster
I got 4 of these and tested one to destruction. The power is good and they hold position very well. Speed is good and accuracy very good for such a cheap servo. One word of warning .. the DO NOT like to be driven too far, setting end point above 100% causes strange effects like the servo will jump a long way and the final position is not repeatable. This means take great care if you fit them to cyclic on a ccpm heli where there is large travel they will NOT WORK.

:ike all micros, the gears did strip when I pushed it hard but they come with spares so easily fixed.
Frode Karlsen
Har pr�vd denne p� Mini titan
B�de p� rotor og hale
Fungerer utmerket
Arced servo 1.3
Jordan Lyall
Little guys try very hard to do a good job, somewhat noisy, but quite good. Just don't max out your servo travel adjustment. I could get about 135% of 150% on my radio before the servo would create it's own end point.
Great speed, and surprising initial torque.
Arced Digital Micro Servo
Feddo Wouters
Very good tail-servo for Honeybee King V2 helicopter.
Arced Digital Micro Servo
Panayotis Pantazopoulos
Tested and is very good and precise for the price. Recomended for precese low cost servo applycations. In my country same size analog servo is much expensive.
ARCED 1.3kg 0.9sec micro servo
Terence Chan
Really DS-compliment. Don't know how long it will last yet but 1st impression is very good when used on a 450-size heli for rudder. -Terence
Arced Digital Micro Servo 1.3k
John Freeman
Excelent little servo, purchased quite a few already, plan to get more
nice servo for heli
i use this servo on my copterx as a tail servo. works good also in gy401 digi mode.

Arced Digital Micro Servo 8.5g
Mike Roberts
Fitted this to Zoom type heli with Futaba 401 gyro in DS mode. All works well. Response is precise and smooth. Will be getting some more. Mike
Great Servo!
John Hatzidakis
I use this in my trex 450, the tail is even more rock solid with this servo than the old HS-50 I used to have in it.
Great, with limitations
Great servo for that price, but doesn't work at 6V (4 AA batteries) and the servo way is limited to 135%.

Gutes Servo zu dem Preis, leider funktioniert das Servo �berhaupt nicht an 6V - also 4 Mignon Batterien. Bei 5V (was die meisten BECs haben) gibt es jedoch keine Probleme. Die Wege sind auf 135% (sicher 125%) (Graupner/JR Wege) limitiert, daher nicht geeignet f�r Delta-Modell (FunJet z.B.) Stellgenauigkeit ist digital-like super, die Anschlusskabel sind etwas kurz. Verarbeitung ist noch gut. Leider noch keine Langzeiterfahrungen vorhanden.
Arced Digital Micro Servo
Olaf Virk
Quick, strong and low max current(200mA)- really frequency conversion digital servo.
But max pulse width is 2ms, after this the servo steps to end. Like potentiometer center and servo 1.5ms positions are not same. Maybe it's occasional defect. I have only one servo.
Acred D591
I purchased 3 of the D591 servo and so far very happy with the performance and the value. It replaced my HS-81 on the tail of my Trex paired with a GY401. The D591 did work in digital mode but the tail seemed to hunt. Will try again on a different heli setup. The D591 did very well on my small aircraft setups...just do NOT over drive them (as stated in other reviews)
Arced Digital Micro Servo 1.3k
blaz vodopivec
Very good digital servo for the price. Quick, strong, centers well, holds position, no glitches, much better than Corona. Less resolution than top digital servos, but hey, they cost four times more.
Georg Romanski
Nice little Servo. Works great and centers well.
Give it 4 Stars because it will not work with my 2 Futaba R606FS receivers.
All my other receivers: no problems.
Bought 4 pcs.
nizam kamarudin
Excelent little servo for my rudder control servo. Good price!!
D591-v3 Digi-Micro Servo
Christoph Priess
Theese are GREAT! You get such a precise and fast Servo for a price you won�t believe. They center very well, are strong on 4,8V. I didn�t try them on 6V by now, but here are some guys warning they won�t do it on 6V. I�ll tryout and tell you. But even if they just handle 4,8-5V- you get a lot for little money! Thanx again HC!
发表于 2008-3-7 13:35 | 只看该作者
我 的 D591不错呀!你 用的什么陀螺呀!有数字档吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-7 14:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-7 23:18 | 只看该作者
顶起来  就喜欢看热闹
发表于 2008-3-11 09:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-14 00:12 | 只看该作者
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