本帖最后由 mmyyhh7532 于 2019-4-10 09:10 编辑
最近入了二手VBC和三个新的Vbar NEO,在设定参数时一直是参考官网的设置说明。
我把NEO PRO的设置参数翻译了一下,造福模友。
http://bbs.5imx.com/forum.php?mo ... 68842&highlight=VBC
Main rotor 主旋翼 Flight Parameters 飞行参数
Swashplate Expert provides the following parameters 斜盘专家菜单提供以下参数: Elev. Prec. lets you adjust the elevatorpre-compensation which prevents ballooning/booming up especially in fastforward flight (banked). To check, do a vertical climb out. If the nose tendsto go upward, increase. 升降舵预补偿 让你可以调整升降舵的预补偿值,防止在升降过程中飞机抬头,特别是在高速前进飞行时(每种飞行模式可独立设置)。检查参数设置是否合适,做垂直爬升,如果飞机有抬头的趋势,则增加参数值。 Paddle Sim. Flybarred helis have a very specific feel.Set values in the range of 20-40 to make VBar simulate this to a certaindegree. Set to 0 to turn this feature off (banked). 有副翼机型模拟 有副翼的直升机带有一种特殊的手感,把参数设置到20~40之间,可以让VBAR以不同程度来模拟模拟有副翼机型的手感。设置为0时关闭该功能(每种飞行模式可独立设置) Heli size is a factor tothe control loop to adapt it to the actual size of your heli. See table forrelation between heli size and parameter value. The parameter does not onlytake into account the size (e.g. blade length) but also the weight/discload/inertia and the dampening. This parameter is set during the initial setupusing the wizard and does usually not need to be changed. 直升机尺寸 是一个让系统控制回路符合你直升机尺寸的参数。请参考下面的表格来根据直升机的尺寸设置该参数。这个参数不只与尺寸有关(比如大桨长度),还与重量/旋翼盘负载/转动惯量 以及阻尼(比如横轴胶圈)相关。该参数在最开始使用设置向导时会被设置,一般不需要再更改。
Non-Mikado Helis 非米卡多机型 | | 250 | | 300 | | 450 | | 500 | | 600 | | 700 | | 800 | | Scale | |
| Mikado Helis 米卡多机型 | | 400 + SE | | 480 | | 500 | | 550 + SE | | 600 | | 600 SE | | 690 | | 700 XXtreme | | 800 XXtreme | |
Integral is the heading hold gain of the main rotorcontrol loops (banked). 积分参数 是主旋翼头锁定方向的控制回路感度。 Pitch Pump adds a dynammic add to fast collectiveinputs. The output to the servo will be temporarily increased if the stick ismoved fast, like in tic tocs. Slow movements of the collective stick are notaffected, which allows for smooth cruising and hovering at the same time.Values in the range of 30-60 are recommended. Set to 0 to turn this feature off(banked). 螺距加速 在快速给螺距时,螺距会动态增加。当快速给螺距时,螺距实际输出会短暂地大于当前螺距摇杆对应的螺距。慢速给螺距不受这个参数的影响,例如在悬停或航线时。该参数推荐值为30~60,当设置为0时,关闭该功能。 Attention You can use this feature to check thereliability of your power supply to the r/c system and the servos. Set to 50temporarily and move the collective stick quickly: in case the r/c systemresets under this strain, the power supply must be considered too weak, or theservos cause back voltages. You will also see low voltage warnings in the eventlog, then. 注意 你可以用该特性来检查飞机的供电系统。把参数临时设置到50,并快速地给螺距,如果VBAR重启,那就代表供电能力不足,或者 舵机太耗电。你将在事件日志中看到低电压报警。 Warning Set this parameter back to a sensiblevalue prior to flying your heli again. In flight, this extreme dynamic increaseof collective output will most probably lead to a loss of control and crash. 警告 在上面的测试完成后,把参数调回原来合适的值。在飞行中,如果这个参数过大,会使螺距急剧增加,并非常可能导致失控和炸机。 Cyclic Ring limits the combined output of aileron andelevator if the control inputs are both together exceeding 100 %. You can useit to adjust the maximum throws of your swash plate to avoid binding and damageto the mechanics and the servos. The default value is 85. To check, move thecollective stick to 50 % and at the same time input full aileron and elevatorthrow. In case of binding, lower the value until the mechanics no longer bind.Values below 75 will start to limit the clean aileron and elevator outputs,too. In this case, check if you can modify the geometry of the rotor head andlinkages. 周期螺距限制 当升降和副翼同时以100%输入时,限制升降和副翼的联合输出。你可以通过该参数来调整斜盘的最大倾斜行程,以避免舵机和斜盘的机械结构发生弯曲和损坏。默认值是85。检测方法,把集体螺距摇杆达到50%,同时把副翼和升降摇杆打到头,如果憋舵机,就把参数调低,直到不发生憋舵。当参数低于75%时,单纯的副翼或升降输出也会被限制。这时就需要调整旋翼头的几何参数,比如各个连杆的长度,舵机臂上球头的位置。 Optimizer is used to adjust the requested and actualturning rates for aileron and elevator. Do aileron and then elevator flips inone spot to have the optimizer work fast. Just fly your regular patterns tohave the optimizer work too, but more slowly. Disable the optimizer once youare content with the feel of the heli, to prevent the optimizer from alteringflight characteristics depending on your current style of flying. You may entervalues manually, e.g. if you have experience with a certain type of heli and blades(banked). 优化控制用于调整实际翻滚速度以达到需求翻滚速度。做定点的副翼和升降翻滚可以让优化快速完成。按你平时的飞行方式也可以让优化工作进行,但是优化过程会慢一些。但你对当前的优化手感满意时,请关闭优化功能,以避免手感继续改变。你也可以手动设置优化参数值,比如你对特定机型和大桨有以往的优化参数结果。(每种飞行模式可独立设置)
The collective curve allows to set a curve for each bankseparately, the same way as on regular radios. This way, you can have differentcollective angles e.g. for hovering/cruising or for scale helis, or symmetriccurves for 3-D-flight. 'Reset' sets the values of the bank currently activeback to defaults. 螺距曲线 可以对每种飞行模式单独设定螺距曲线,和其他 遥控器类似。这样你就可以有不同的螺距特性来对应悬停/航线,或者比例模型,或者正负螺距对称的3D飞行。‘重置’会把当前飞行模式的曲线设置为默认值(-100~+100一条斜线)。 Collective Balance 集体螺距平衡
Adjustment for the Anti Ballooning System. Use lower values for Helis withhigh collective ranges and vice versa. (only with NEO available) 用于调整防止海豚效应系统(Anti Ballooning System不知道翻译的对不对?)。集体螺距大时该参数小,反之亦然。(VBAR NEO才具备该功能)
Setup Parameters 设定参数
Swashplate type 斜盘类型
Allows to change the swash plate conficuration independently from the setupwizard. 不需要启动设置向导就可以改变斜盘类型。 Rotor direction 主旋翼头旋转方向
Allows to set the direction of rotationindependently from the seup wizard, always with regard to the actual situationon the model. 不需要启动设置向导就可以改变主旋翼旋转方向设定,永远根据机型的实际情况来设定。 Collective Direction 集体螺距的方向
Allows to change between leadin edge and trailing edge control of the main rotorblades independently from the setup wizard. 不需要启动设置向导就可以改变机体螺距的方向
Attention 注意: If you have a heli with levers in between the rods from the swash plate tothe blade grips, which reverse the direction of movement of the rods (seen e.g.on some TT helis), please set this parameter opposing to the display here, elsesome of the feed forwards (like tail rotor pre-compensation) might work thewrong way. 如果你的机型在斜盘和大桨夹之间有一个杠杆,这会使舵机臂的输出反向(例如图片中的雷虎直升机),请把参数设置为与上面示例图中相反的参数(Trailing Edge),不然的话一些前馈程序(例如尾旋翼的预补偿)会以错误的方式工作。
Servo Directions 舵机方向
Allows to reverse individual servos independently from the setup wizard. 不需要启动设置向导就可以改变斜盘舵机的方向。 Swashplate Trim
Allows trims to the swash plate independently from the setup wizard. Note thatthe bar graphs should show little deviation. If you have to trim more than athird into either direction, please re-set the servo arm and trim closer to thezero position. 不需要启动设置向导就可以调整十字盘水平和0度螺距。注意,应该尽量少的调整该参数。如果图中的柱状图偏离中点超过三分之一,请重新调整舵机臂安装在舵机上的位置(或者拉杆长度),并尽量保持柱状图接近中点位置。 Collective Endpoint 集体螺距行程
Allows setting individual end points for positive and negative collectiveindependently from the setup wizard. Values between 80-110 for 12-14° indicatethat the geometry of the rotor head is well suitable for a flybarless system. 不需要启动设置向导就可以分别调整正负螺距。当参数值在80~110,对应集体螺距为12~14°时,证明当前旋翼头的几何参数(舵机臂安装位置,球头在舵机臂上的位置,舵机拉杆,大桨夹拉杆)非常适合VBAR无副翼系统。 Cyclic Setup 周期螺距设置
Allows to calibrate the control loop of your VBar independently from the setupwizard. Values between 80-100 indicate that the geometry of the rotor head iswell suitable for a flybarless system. 不需要启动设置向导就可以调整周期螺距。当参数值在80~100时,证明当前旋翼头的几何参数(舵机臂安装位置,球头在舵机臂上的位置,舵机拉杆,大桨夹拉杆)非常适合VBAR无副翼系统。