After our Sunday workshop, Goght took everyone to the nearby abandoned warehouse for test flight.
Wolfgang was reluctant to try out his new Gulang 450 at first, but who can resist the temptation?
Lee was preparing for the maiden flight.
No one was flying glow heli that day, so I didn't even bother taking my 600 out of the trunk.
Chris is definitely a quick learner. That day was his third flight, and he is already setting idle mode for his new V2. Oh well, I guess being young really has big advantage.
Look at the big smile on Lee's face.
This is Chris's brand spanking new V2. There were four brand new heli that day for test flight. Two Gulang's 450s, one Align 450se/gf, and this Align V2.
原帖由 wondersh 于 2008-6-18 05:10 AM 发表
Yeah, that place isn't all that great. But there are three big advantages. There is no spectator around to cause safety concern, less than 3 mins from Goght's workshop, and it has a huge abandoned indoor warehouse incase it start to rain. As you know, it's quite difficult to find a quiet secluded place to fly in Shanghai...