四月中旬才上市, 估计得5月大陆上架吧
When Jason first showed me some of the initial drawings of his new T-Rex 450 design last year while on a trip together, my first impressions were very positive. However, I honestly thought that some of the design features were not going to be made possible during the prototype stages. Well, I was wrong! The prototype came out exactly as the drawings showed. I received a pre-production version a few days ago and I am extremely impressed with this little heli.
This is by far the lowest part count helicopter I have ever built. These features stood out from the first time I saw the drawings:
- Single side frame design with a very low parts count
- Single piece bearing block and servo mount
- Single piece anti-rotation guide and gyro mount
- Single piece landing gear with only two bolts attaching it to the frames
- Single piece battery and speed control mount that keeps CG closer to the disk
- Torque tube driven tail
- Weighed tail rotor blade grips (Chinese weights built in)
This is in my personal opinion Jason’s best design ever. Flying wise, this heli feels very light in the air, the power-to-weight ratio is incredible. It is also extremely precise due to its servo layout and rigidity combined with a very “beefy” head and ball links that fit like a “glove”. The heli also tracks exceptionally well for a machine this size and its tail feels so locked in that it can be compared with the tail fee of a T-Rex 500. For those of you who would want to upgrade the motor in the future, you can get away with ridiculous head speeds due to its low tail gear ratio of 4.24:1.
Expect the new T-Rex 450 Pro to be released around mid April.
Some info and pics:
[ 本帖最后由 simplelifee 于 2009-3-16 14:08 编辑 ] |
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