阳台侠飞出阳台了!!!我也准备入DSX9控了,这款控号好吗?接收时用什么型号的?会贵吗? 我想配个在450上面用,原来配的是921的吧?好像挺过的,是9通道的吧,JRCDSX9 : JR DSX9 2.4ghz Aero/Glid/Heli
The new DSX9, the 1st genuine JR radio to be made available using the 2.4ghz technology. Based on JR's top selling PCM9X2, this exciting new radio system retains all the programming features of it's long established sibling but with the addition of spread spectrum processing. This includes transmitter, RD921 Receiver, Charger & Batteries. 9通道的我想用在亚托600油机上面,450我要配哪种型号,有6—-7通道的吗?请阳台侠指教!!我是用美国手的!!!!
Price: £357.44 £419.99 Including VAT at 17.5% |