But honestly speaking, if you continue touse the stock frame, these new B gears won't also survive long despite the factthat they are new ones. You already notice that a plastic "B" gearwon't even survive one flight, that's all due to the "unstable kiss"between the A gear and B gear while they are working in a speed of more than4000 RPM per minute. You have to make sure the AB gears kiss each other in avery stable distance both vertically and horizontally in a gap around 0.1MM.This means that you have to use some ultra-thin brass gaskets of 0.1mmthickness to adjust the vertical movement of A gear and the horizontal movementof B gear. It’s hard to do this in a stock frame. You have to disassemble it, andg break it up to pieces every time if you want to make any adjustment of thiskind. Plus that the little tiny 1.5*4*1 bearing behind the B gear wears downvery easily, and even you have make a good balance this time, but after some 20flights the balance will be broken , and you have to make some new adjustmentto achieve a new balance, sounds like an equilibrium always change itsfrequency. That’s why spent so much time and energy onthis 3D printed main frame. I know these problems clearly and finally find thesolutions for both durability and easy maintenance for any parts on this tinyflying machine.
自己翻译自己写的文字,没有按英文的思路写,但内容核心是一样的 130X是个非常不错的概念机子,之所以说是概念机子,就是因为它不耐飞,就算你当年花了6K来升级它很漂亮,它还是不耐飞,部件过于“小”是其中原因之一,,但设计上缺陷才是重点,原机几个致命的设计弱点明显与耐用相违背的: 1.开模两片成型的一体化机架,强度是足够的,达到了2S机子的要求,尤其是与1230内转原装马达很搭,相对于九鹰318A来说真是太好了,318A的机架简直是太脆了,但130X原装机架的严重缺点之一就是十字盘舵机固定的螺丝孔很容易爆裂,固定尾管的螺丝孔也容易爆裂,这可能是过度追求轻量化导致的后果; 2.其二,也是最重要的缺陷,是设计缺陷,由于采用这么小的伞齿进行每分钟3000转以上高速传动,对伞齿的咬合顺滑度和平稳度要求就非常重要了,这依赖于A齿的上下间距和B齿的前后间距,而原机架设计这两项都是不能调的,完全依靠出厂的标准,一个出厂没调好,基本上就是一个起落就把B齿磨平了,即使出厂是好得,20个起落后B齿后面的小轴承磨损也非常快,原因是太薄了,1.0厚度的,而且要更换这个轴承要整个机架拆掉才可以,非常麻烦 3.尾巴那一坨的脆弱显而易见,尤其是一体化的尾T轴,本来就是1.5的轴径还一半长度削了半个平面,基本一撞就歪,尾轴转动速度非常快你别想拆了敲敲纠正还能继续用,尾轴废了那个尾中联是一体化的也就跟着废了,这里九鹰318A就设计比它先进,独立的尾中联和尾轴,而且削的长度只有一丁点,基本炸不坏