Reesy , I think it might be Curtis's year yet again. no2 spot may go to Peter Navotny and my no3 spot to our very own Duncan Osborne.
Petre Novotny is now confirmed that he is indeed a Mode 1 flyer and not Mode 3.
Watch 2003 / 4 3DM DVD's and you'll see whats possible with M1 piroflips especially Petre's 2003 flight to own music.
Petres a top guy and has answered my emails regarding this subject although English is not his 1st or 2nd language. Dont forget also that Yamaguchi is Mode 1
Thats 2 out of the top 5 in 2004 3DM masters class that fly mode 1.
Maybe the Masters entry is down abit, No Petr Novotny, Scott Gray and a few others.
Masters (2003)
1 Jason Krause
2 Petr Novotny
3 Alan Szabo Jnr
4 Scott Gray
5 Curtis Youngblood
其它的一时也找不着了。不过可以肯定的是Peter Novotny是公认的不太用功的3D天才,早几年的公众地位是位列第一的。至少是几个顶尖人物之一。
应该承认的是:在世界级3D赛事中MODE 2是占压倒优势的。但别忘了世界范围的3D MODE 2人群数量(够班的,别把玩450的都算里了:em15: )是MODE 1的十倍以上。
近年的世界顶级3D选手中MODE 1的至少有(据我所之):Peter Novotny、伊藤、Yamaguchi、廖英志4人。
近年的世界顶级3D赛事更常见到2/5(前五)或是4/10(前十)的选手是MODE 1。