Which is really best: FHSS or DSSS? http://www.rcmodelreviews.com/fhss_vs_dsss.shtml
Theory makes it clear that a constantly agile system (FHSS) should be more resilient to noise on the band and this seems to be born-out in practice.
JR/Spektrum DSM2 Weakness Revealed http://www.rcmodelreviews.com/dsm2flaw.shtml
Using a 600mW 2.4GHz video transmitter, I found that the receiver only needed to be equidistant from both the DSX9 and the video transmitter's antenna for loss of control to be experienced. This surprised me a little -- I'd expected more resilience from the DSM2 system but, having said that, analog signals such as video transmitters are really not spread-spectrum-friendly.