3D 6分钟 推算是这样的2000MA*60/6=20A,算下来你的功率只有20A*30v=600W 左右,这个功率对600来说不够只是航线翻几下,3D的话起码要1200W(600暴力功率要在1800我左右)以上这样平均电流就要40A飞行时间只有3分钟了,所以我一开始就建议你A123上12S以上,这样电压上去了电流会下来,弥补一下飞行时间不够。
Align 6s 4400 18c FP 6s 5000 EVO 25 FP 8s 3700 EVO 25 A123 8s A123 10s
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------- - ---------
Dimensions (mm) 110 x 53 x 73mm 166 x 44 x 54mm 150 x 46 x 56mm 108 x 54 x 67 135 x 54 x 67
Weight (g) 738 799 752 ~600 ~750
Nom. V 22.2 22.2 29.6 26.4 33.0
Loaded V 22-18 22-18 29-24 24-19 30-24
Capacity (mAh) 4400 5000 3700 2300 2300
Load rating (C) 18/22/25 25/35/50 25/35/50 16/33/50 16/33/50
Usable current (A) 59/73/83 94/131/188 69/97/139 37/76/115 37/76/115
Loaded V 3.5/3.2/3.0 3.5/3.2/3.0 3.5/3.2/3.0 2.8/2.5/2.3 2.8/2.5/2.3
Usable power (W) 1200/1400/1500 2000/2500/3400 1900/2500/3300 800/1500/2100 1000/1900/2600
Usable energy (J) 74 84 83 46 58
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
1) Loaded voltage estimated from published discharge curves
2) Usable energy indicates runtime. Assumes max 80% discharge for lipo, max 90% discharge for A123
国产电池最多放60%(安全点吧!) A123 放电90%
鸭托垃圾4400电池放电80%=59.2(J/焦耳) A123 10S 90%放电=52.2(J/焦耳) 这样的比较自己算吧。
3) Usable current/power is based on keeping pack temperatures below 140F/60C to ensure maximum
pack lifetime (>100 cycles for lipo, >500 cycles for A123). For LiPo this typically means
staying below 75% of rated current. For A123 lab tests show that it means sticking to a
rating of 16/33/50C. If you are happy with only ~100 cycles from the A123 packs then you can
push them somewhat harder than the estimates indicate.