下载了凤凰模拟器,认真练习五边中。有个问题是可能因为版权的原因,凤凰模拟器中没有塞斯纳同名的飞机。找了个类似的E-flite Apprentice 15e,1.4米翼展,1.3kg。好像重量比EPO的塞斯纳要重,尺寸倒是差不多。(注意不是E-flite Apprentice S15e,这架是带有飞控的,摇杆回中后飞机能self level,不太利于练习) ,另外模拟器内置了一架Muiltplex Easystar(0.7kg,1.5米翼展) ,和冲浪者学x8的外观几乎一模一样,但是不能当冲浪者练习用,因为没有副翼。
Phoniex RC的开发商目前已经停止维护了,最后的版本是5.5,但是还有国外的热心网友在继续维护,目前最新的版本是6.0.i
5.5版本的安装文件在这里下载 https://www.rc-thoughts.com/phx/Phoenix_DVD_5.5.zip
更新包到6.0的安装包 https://www.rc-thoughts.com/phx/ ... to_6.0.i_update.pkg
更新安装的方式在启动Launcher后,点Advanced --> install an update
软件硬件要求可以说是极低,10年前的老电脑也能流畅运行。我自己用了一台2010年的MacBook Pro在Bootcamp的Win7下,流畅运行。
IBM-Compatible PC Computer with at least 1.0 Ghz Pentium 3 or 4, or AMD Athlon or 64 processor OR
Intel-based Apple Macintosh computer running VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop or a Bootcamp partition
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1 operating system
256 MB System RAM
2.5 GB free, uncompressed hard-drive space (more may be required for additional online downloads)
Intel HD-Graphics 4000 or better 100% DirectX 9-compatible chipset with 128 MB graphics memory
DVD-ROM drive for installation
1 free USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 port
100% DirectX 9-compatible sound card (optional)
Keyboard and mouse for program operation
Broadband internet connection (optional, required for online updates)
Microphone (optional, required for online voice-chat)