The Cyclic Ring is active
If the agility of a Heli is set to the possibilities of the mechanic and aerodynamic limits, this did not
happen. However in 3D Flying the agility cannot set high enough to fullfill the pilots needs. So this
limiter is in action dependant on the flwon actions. If it is active very often, there is a potential problem
with the mechanics. Using lighter blades will help increasing the natural agility preventing hitting the
cyclic ring all the time.
Ambiguous Value on Elevator RC Channel at Init
The Centeres of all Channels are learned at startup in case of an Coldstart. The Sticks shall be
centered in this case. If the measured Value for the center is too far off, this Warning is issued. Check
the Centers of your Transmitter settings (Trims) and verify them in the transmitter calibration panel of
the software
Ambiguous Value on Tail Sensor at Init
The Sensors are calibrated to their centers at each startup. Thsi gives a center value depending on
some serial deviation, but they shall stay in 10% of the ideal center. If this is not met, the sensor may
be defective. Check the Live display of the sensor for visible deviation. Even it is is possible to fly with
a decentered sensor, it is recommended to contact the support
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