The following is copyrighted by Hitec RCD, used with permission.
For a "continuous" sheeting system (figure A,B,C), both sections of the drum are used, so that the ends of the "loop" feed on and off the spools at the same rate. In addition to the number of turns required to trim the sail, place a extra half to full turn of string on the spool. In this example, the sail winch and its drum are located under the deck of the boat. Pulleys are used to allow the string to exit the deck and turn with little friction.
For a single "non-continuous" sheeting system (figure D), where tension is maintained by elastic, either spool can be used. In addition to the number of turns required to trim the sails, place a extra half to full turn of string on the spool. Run the string from the drum, through a pulley that allows the string to exit the deck. Attach elastic to string on the deck to keep tension on the string as winds on and off the spool.
Here's an alternative sheeting system using a Drum winch