还有这裡 http://www.helifreak.com/archive/index.php/t-2752-p-3.html
问 "I bought the JR 9XII (same with JR 9303) last few months but I found that my radio only came with mode 1.According to the manual,we can change the radio to mode 1 or mode 2 but i can't found the "STICK MOD" & "STICK DIR" in my system menu.
Can anybody tell me how to change it?Some of the senior flyer using the same radio told me i have to open the radio & modifield some of the hardware or component inside the radio then the "STICK MOD" & "STICK DIR" will appear in the system menu.Which component I have to set the "jumper"?Can somebody show me how to do that?"
There are two different versions of the radio, one "es" version that have all fuctions enabled and one "hs" version that are locked to mode #1 and have shorter trottelstick travel, no stickdir & stick mode in the menu, no zpcm choise in the modulation menu and no alarm when turning on the radio with trottel hold or idle up turned on.
答 The stickmode selection is only locked in the software so any jr service place probably could turn it on. the other things can be turned on just by put som jumpers on the main board. check this picture:

BUT.. its on your own risk if you try and do something wrong and damage the radio. |